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Vicki Tilley, PT, GCS


Vicki Tilley is a graduate of the University of Delaware and has 34 years of experience as a physical therapist. She has been a Geriatric Certified Specialist since 1997. She is the Health Director for Special Olympics North Carolina. Her responsibilities include development and implementation of health, wellness and fitness activities and Healthy Athletes screening to support the 40,000 athletes of SONC. She is also the founder and owner of ElderFit Physical Therapy and Consulting, an outpatient practice that focuses on care of the older adult in their home or community setting with a focus fall prevention.

Her consulting work has included working with the University of North Carolina, Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program within the Division of Aging and Health as a Project Facilitator. Her responsibilities included working with physician practices to help them implement fall prevention initiatives, assisting with the current updating of the Otago Online Training, and providing clinical and billing advice for development of the guidance for providing Otago through Telerehabilitation, and being a member of the North Carolina Falls Coalition Strategic Plan Steering Committee.

Tilley also worked as a Global Clinical Consultant and co-founder of the FUNfitness Screening program for Special Olympics International, FUNfitness is the physical therapy screen which is part of Special Olympics Health. She was responsible for monitoring the implementation and coordination of the FUNfitness programs in the US, Canada, and the Caribbean. She has overseen screens and trained health professionals nationally and internationally since 2001. She served as a member of the Special Olympic Aging Athlete Task Force and Global Fitness Task Force. Tilley has been an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association and APTANC for 37 years, belonging to several professional sections and academies and holding leadership roles throughout her professional career. She has just completed a three year term as a Director on the American Physical Therapy Association Board of Directors.

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