Cost Calculator for Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs
2 min read

A 2015 national study of Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs (CDSMP) estimated program costs to be approximately $350 per participant? How does your program compare?
NCOA sponsored The Lewin Group, Inc. to develop a cost calculator to help organizations better understand and manage the costs of administering their CDSMP. By entering your organization’s fixed and indirect costs and CDSMP program data, you can use this cost calculator to generate estimated “per participant” and “per workshop” costs. Your organization can evaluate the impact of individual program components on your total expenses, such as marketing and recruiting, office supplies, workshop materials, transportation, etc. To use this cost calculator, you will need to assemble all your costs: CDSMP Personnel/Program Administration; Marketing and Recruitment; Master and Workshop Leader Training; and CDSMP Workshop data.
The cost calculator includes a worksheet dedicated to determining the cost-effectiveness of training. On average, how many leaders do you train that complete one or more workshops? This tool determines your training efficiency target and predicts how many participants you will be able to reach. You may also use this information to charge for trainings.
We encourage organizations to use this cost calculator to deliver your programs in an efficient manner, and at a reasonable cost. The summary sheet provided by this cost calculator can be used as a part of your value proposition to your organization or can be the basis of developing what is the return of investment for your program. The cost calculator will work for all community-based, CDSMP-related programs: the Positive Self-Management Program (HIV), and English and Spanish versions of Chronic Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, and Chronic Pain Self-Management Programs.
NCOA is not responsible for any decisions made by organizations using the cost calculator. NCOA expects that information derived from the cost calculator will be considered as potential contributions to broader organizational decision-making processes and that organizations will consult other sources in formulating their decisions. The cost calculator or any modifications or adaptations may not be reproduced, sold, or used for commercial purposes without the specific permission of NCOA.