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Congress Wraps up Key Unfinished Funding Work for Aging Services

On March 14, the deadline set by its last Continuing Resolution (CR), Congress extended a variety of authorities and funding for aging services programs for a full year. The next deadline for these issues to be addressed again is now Sept. 30, 2025.

Fiscal year 2025 appropriations

There were significant differences between the House and Senate appropriations bills, and lots of negotiations were needed to craft the year-long funding bill that ultimately passed. The House bill would have eliminated the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) and Adult Protective Services (APS), while also cutting Older Americans Act (OAA) nutrition programs by $37 million.

In the end, though, the two chambers agreed to provide funding equal to levels appropriated for the previous year for aging services.

Low-income Medicare beneficiary assistance

The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) connects Medicare beneficiaries with resources to afford Medicare costs and prescriptions. This program was also extended to allow organizations providing MIPPA-funded services to continue helping older adults through August 2026.

What’s next for federal aging services funding?

The federal fiscal year runs from Oct. 1-Sept. 30. Federal agencies will issue their spending plans for the rest of FY25, and we’ll update our Aging Services Funding Table when those details are made public. The FY26 appropriations process will kick off with the release of the president’s budget request.

Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., introduced legislation in March 2025 in the hopes of reigniting bipartisan support for health extenders. This would allow MIPPA to continue through Dec. 31, 2026, giving much-needed certainty to the community-based organizations that counsel older adults on ways to afford health care and prescription medications.

Congress is also working on a separate process to make significant changes to the federal budget. Details are still emerging, but Congressional leadership has been open about their desire to reduce spending and extend or add to expiring tax cuts. We are keeping an eye on proposals that would affect Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and other health programs, which could reduce access to long-term care, home and community-based services, and food assistance for older adults and their families.

What you can do

Whether you are an aging services professional, an older adult who needs help, or someone who already uses some of these services, your story can help your members of Congress understand the impact of far-reaching budget cuts. Tell us how you’d like to engage your elected officials, and we’ll support you! We’ll also continue updating our Action Center to reflect the latest developments on Capitol Hill.

Are you already educating policymakers? Please consider our advocacy tips and resources—and drop us a line to share the results of your outreach. We’re happy to offer our expertise so your voice is heard.

Understanding the Federal Budget

More older Americans than ever need assistance and support to make ends meet. Learn more about the federal budget and how NCOA makes sure deficit reduction does not come at the expense of programs that serve older adults.

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