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Data Entry Instructions: Walk With Ease

Any organization interested in tracking Walk With Ease (WWE) program data can request to set up an account. The Healthy Aging Programs Integrated Database tracks information included in the Administration for Community Living (ACL) data collection tools, which have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget and are required for active ACL grantees. 

There are the three WWE workshop types that can be entered in the Healthy Aging Programs Integrated Database (HAPID®):

  • Walk with Ease (In-Person)
  • Walk with Ease (Self-Directed)
  • Walk with Ease (Enhanced)

NCOA accepts WWE data into the HAPID, regardless of your funding source. This page summarizes how completion is determined and how to enter each workshop type in the system.

NCOA has a special survey template for WWE workshops in the database that arose out of a partnership with the Osteoarthritis Action Alliance (OAA) in 2016. You have the option to use only ACL’s OMB approved CDSME forms, OR you may wish to include additional questions for WWE that you find useful. You can find these additional pre- and post-test survey tools here, under the “Evaluating Programs’ tab. You can choose to include some or all of these WWE questions in your own forms. When selecting your WWE program in the drop-down menu in the HAPI Database, you’ll be presented with a few default survey templates. For WWE, we advise that you select:

  • ACL CDSME 2023-26 ALTERNATE:  if you are using the basic ACL, OMB-approved form that expires in 2026, but also wish to enter additional WWE specific questions introduced by OAA.

Note: For WWE programs delivered in any non-English language, note the language on the Workshop Cover sheet. Use the 'Workshop Language' field in the database to select the language from a drop-down list.

Walk With Ease (In-Person)  

Program RequirementsThere are a total fo 18 sessions. Participants who complete 12 of 18 sessions are considered to be a completer.  
In the database
  1. When creating a workshop: Click on ‘Create New Workshop’, select 'CDSME', select 'Walk With Ease (In Person)'. The appropriate survey form is already associated with this program. 
  2. Enter participant responses to the pre- and post-test OMB approved surveys, as available.
  3. You’ll then enter participants’ attendance by scrolling toward the bottom of the survey.
  4. For the question "Total Attendance" enter the number of sessions (out of 18) that the participant attended.  
  5. On the questions “Has participant completed all mandatory sessions?” Choose ‘Yes’ in the drop-down menu, if the participant completed at least 12 encounters.  

Walk With Ease (Self-Directed)  

Program Requirements

In this format, participants work at their own pace with the toolkit/materials. There are no “check-ins” online or with staff. 

Count individuals that receive a toolkit as participants. A single ‘session/encounter’ makes the participant a completer (i.e. countable toward grantee target goals).  The Arthritis Foundation recommends that participants reach the goal of 12 walks (to be counted as a completer); however, it’s understood that this data is not readily available. 

In the database
  1. When creating a workshop: Click on ‘Create New Workshop’, select 'CDSME,' select 'Walk With Ease (Self-directed)'. The appropriate survey form is already associated with this program. 
  2. Enter participants responses to the pre- and post-test OMB approved surveys, as available.
  3. You’ll then enter participants’ attendance by scrolling toward the bottom of the survey. For the question "Total Attendance" enter '1' if it can be verified that a toolkit/ program materials were issued to that participant. 
  4. On the question “Has participant completed all mandatory sessions?” Choose ‘Yes’ in the drop-down menu, if the participant completed at least 1 encounter.  

Walk With Ease (Self-Directed/Enhanced) 

Program Requirements

Participants are tracked in a cohort with the same group from start to finish over 6 weeks, and are interacting with an instructor and/or other participants by phone or video 3 times per week.  

To be a completer, participants should have at least one communication from the coordinator per week, over those 6 weeks (or 6 encounters total). It could be by email, phone, text, zoom, social media – any medium that fits the organization and its stakeholders’ resources.  

In the database
  1. When creating a workshop: Click on ‘Create New Workshop’, select 'CDSME,' select 'Walk With Ease (Self-directed/Enhanced)'. The appropriate survey form is already associated with this program. 
  2. Enter participants responses to the pre- and post-test OMB approved surveys, as available.
  3. You’ll then enter participants’ attendance by scrolling toward the bottom of the survey. For the question "Total Attendance" enter the number of sessions (out of 18) that the participant attended.  
  4. On the questions “Has participant completed all mandatory sessions?” Choose ‘Yes’ in the drop-down menu, if the participant completed at least 6 encounters.  

The Healthy Aging Programs Integrated Database

Learn more about the Healthy Aging Program Integrated Database (HAPID®), a one-stop shop for all grantees and database users to enter workshop data and track performance for both falls prevention and CDSME evidence-based programs.  

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