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Evidence-Based Program: Better Choices, Better Health® (CDSMP) (Online, Asynchronous)

Better Choices, Better Health® is an on-line interactive version of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP).

  • Target audience: Adults with one or more chronic conditions.
  • Health outcomes:
    • Cost savings of $815 in the year post workshop
    • Decrease in A1C for those with >9 on entry of 0.93% and 1.27% at 6 and 12 months post enrollment
    • Lower depression
    • Improved medication adherence
  • Delivered by: 2 Trained lay leaders/facilitators
  • Program type: Group

Better Choices Better Health is the best I’ve experienced in sharing how I feel and what I do in regards to my health. The BCBH has great support from other people like myself in my group with giving lots of support and encouragement. Ever since I was involved with BCBH I find myself thinking a lot of what was happening in my life and have a more positive attitude of how to start and end my day. It’s an eye opener for better things ahead. - BCBH Participant

  • Format: Remote
    • Program is offered on a dedicated website utilizing discussion boards and weekly lessons
    • Approximately 25 people per workshop. All interactions between facilitator and participants take place online
    • All information is private and anonymous
    Participants log on at their convenience 2-3 times per week for a total of about 2 hours per week, participants do not need to log on at the same time
  • Length: 6 weeks, about 2 hours per week, typically in 20 to 30-minute segments
  • Training: Remote
  • Professional required: No, mentor supports lay leader who facilitate the workshop 

When I facilitate Better Choices Better Health I always receive much more that I ever provide in terms of support. Participants get so much out of BCBH, and they leave knowing they are not alone.- BCBH Leader

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