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Evidence-Based Program: Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder (MOM)

Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels, Healthy Bladder (MOM) is a researched and proven program designed to give women the tools they need to take control of bladder and bowel leakage. Join a MOM workshop and learn strategies for preventing or lessening symptoms including information-sharing, group activities, simple exercises, and dietary changes. With practice, these new skills are proven to help you avoid or reduce leakage so you can keep doing the things that matter most to you.

“Thank you for the classes; they have made life worth living again for the time being!”

  • Target audience: Mind Over Matter is proven for women who are aged 50 or older, live independently in a home or apartment, have experienced bladder/bowel issues OR are interested in preventing them and can attend all three scheduled workshop sessions.
  • Health outcomes:
    • At 4 months, 71% of treated women vs 23% of women in the control group reported improved urinary Incontinence on Patient Global Impression of Improvement, with 39% vs 5% reported much improved;
    • At 4 months, regarding bowel incontinence, 55% of treated women vs 27% of women in the control group improved on Patient Global Impression of Improvement, with 35% vs 11% reporting much improvement;
    • Treated women improved significantly more than women in the control group on all validated instruments of incontinence severity, quality of life, and self-efficacy.

“There was one instance where I had the urge to go; I was able to wait until I found a restroom. It felt terrific!”

  • Delivered by: 1 Trained Female Facilitator
  • Program type: Group
  • Format: In-person in community & remote
  • Length: 3 Sessions, 2 hours each session
  • Training: Remote and In-person. Training has 4 components for the trainees to complete to be certified: Conduct to assigned practice facilitations in the trainings, pass an essential elements quiz, and complete and pass a fidelity coaching session during first workshop.

“People can relate to this workshop. Women need a place to talk about bladder and bowel incontinence. Thank you for providing the venue to do that.” – MOM license holder

  • Professional required: No
  • Accessibility adaptations available: Yes
  • Cultural adaptations available: Yes: Currently not spoken language, but health care practices, names in examples and stories, as long as they feature the same driving point.
  • Available in languages other than English: No
  • Data collection: Implementation sites are required to collect and report data 
  • Topic(s):
    • Behavioral Health
    • Chronic Disease
    • Medication Management
    • Nutrition

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