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Evidence-Based Program: Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention

Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention is an enjoyable program that incorporates classes twice a week for 8 weeks (or once a week for 16 weeks), along with home practice. It helps to improve muscular strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina.

  • Target audience: Adults with or without arthritis, rheumatic diseases or related musculoskeletal conditions. The program is appropriate for people with mild, moderate and severe joint involvement and back pain. It is especially appropriate for adults who have a higher risk of falling.
  • Health outcomes:
    • Improved balance and mobility
    • Improved strength and flexibility
    • Improved relaxation
    • Decreased pain and falls

"At the age of 84, I have been doing TCAFP on a daily basis, like taking a daily vitamin. It is my prescription to help maintain my balance, physical and mental well-being. I know I can enjoy a longer life of quality that permits me to enjoy my 5 grandchildren and see them grow into adulthood." - Participant

  • Delivered by: Tai Chi for Health certified instructors
  • Program type: Group
  • Format: In-person at home, in-person in community, remote (see resources below)

Note: It is permissible to use a combination of remote (i.e. videoconference) and in-person implementation in the same session or during a class series. For example: 10 participants join by Zoom and 10 participants attend in a senior center and receive instruction at the same time. Suggest two instructors for class of 12 - 20, which incorporates zoom participants.

  • Length:
    • There are two options:
      • 8 weeks, two 1-hour session per week
      • 16 weeks, one 1-hour session per week
    • Strongly encourage participants to practice the Tai Chi program at home for half an hour daily, at least four days per week. This can be done in one half-hour session or two fifteen-minute sessions
    • Participants must attend at least one in-person or virtual class per week
    • An instructional DVD or online lessons is available to help guide learning and home practice as well as other educational aids such as books, the handbook, and wall charts
    • Developed by Dr. Paul Lam with tai chi and medical colleagues, the program utilizes Sun style Tai Chi for its ability to improve relaxation, balance, and its ease of use for older adults. The movements are taught to both left and right sides and with turns to move forward and backward to improve mobility and offer a variety of combinations
  • Training: Remote or in-person
    • Contact a master trainer to schedule an instructor training workshop and recertification training every 2 years (one-day training)
    • CPR certification required
  • Professional required: No
  • Accessibility adaptations available: Yes, Audio CD for visually impaired
  • Cultural adaptations available: Yes
  • Available in languages other than English: Chinese (voice and transcription), French (transcription), Dutch (transcription), and Persian (transcription)
  • Topic(s):
    • Physical Activity
    • Chronic Disease
    • Fall Prevention
    • Pain Management
  • Contact:

"Since 2014, Healthy Acadia’s Tai Chi for Health program has motivated and inspired over 3,000 children and adults in Washington and Hancock Counties to improve their health and wellbeing. Over 94% of participants report improved strength, flexibility and balance, and an increased ability to relax. We have found training our TCHI Instructors to be a low cost and highly effective way to improve health outcomes in our service area." Elsie Fleming, Healthy Acadia's Executive Director

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