Key Takeaways

  • Falling can be a very serious threat to older adults using public transportation.

  • Bus drivers are often the first point of contact for senior riders and can provide valuable information to a passenger's caregiver or emergency contact.

  • This brochure and tip sheet offer advice for both drivers and older adults to prevent falls while using publicly shared vehicles or transportation.

Falling can be a very serious threat to older adults using public transportation. Suffering a fall can cause critical injury, which can have a direct impact on an older adult’s ability to lead an active and independent life. Fear of falling can make public transportation use a very stressful experience for seniors. Older adults unfamiliar with navigating public transportation may be reluctant to ask the driver for assistance or hesitate to mention a safety hazard that they notice.

This publication was developed by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center to help older passengers use public transportation independently, safely, and without fear. The publication reviews fall risks and potential safety measures within public transportation vehicles.