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Hill Day 2024: Advocates Take Aging Well Message to Lawmakers

Two hundred people traveled from Age+Action 2024 to Capitol Hill on May 8, bringing messages to their lawmakers about the importance of ensuring aging well is a right, not a privilege.

2024 Age+Action Hill Day 139 Congressional Meetings 200 Participants 37 States Represented

The advocates took part in 139 meetings and brought along issue briefs to stress key NCOA positions on:

  • Aging Services Appropriations: Investing in the Health and Economic Security of Older Adults
    "Investments in these programs save taxpayer dollars by reducing expenditures for mandatory programs such as Medicare and Medicaid and by putting more older adults back in the workforce." 
  • Make Funding Permanent for Low-Income Benefits Outreach and Enrollment
    "Federal funding has successfully supported enrollment assistance to millions of low-income beneficiaries and their families. Under the program: 9.3 million Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers have received help connecting to benefits."
  • Congress: It's Time to Reauthorize the Older Americans Act
    "The 2025 OAA reauthorization must center on a common purpose—to ensure aging well is a right for all, not a privilege for a few. NCOA’s OAA reauthorization priorities provide a roadmap for Congress to address the needs of increasingly diverse older adults, support innovation and community-tailored solutions, and lead the charge for policy change to strengthen supportive services and senior centers, nutrition programs, caregiver support, healthy aging, elder rights, and economic security."
  • The Treat and Obesity Act
    "TROA is groundbreaking, bipartisan legislation that modernizes and updates our nation’s obesity policy and ensures that older adults receive the care they deserve. By providing Medicare beneficiaries with access to safe, effective, and life-saving treatments, TROA’s effect for millions of older Americans would be game-changing."

Hill Day participants on bus to Capitol

NCOA advocates in front of U.S. Capitol

Among the 139 Hill Day meetings: a visit to Rep. Lois Frankel, D-Fla., to deliver her Trailblazers in Aging Champions Award:

Lois Frankel with Trailblazers in Aging Award


Everyone deserves to age well

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