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Honor a Caregiver During National Family Caregivers Month

Every November we celebrate National Family Caregivers Month. November is a time to recognize and honor caregivers nationally, raise awareness around caregiving issues, educate communities, and work to increase support for our nation's caregivers.

And, we can also honor a caregiver or the person you may be caregiving for by paying tribute to them through your social networks.

If you made a donation to NCOA during National Family Caregivers Month, use our social shareables and sample messaging below.

What's more, if you made your gift in honor or in memory of someone special, we'll send a note of your thoughtfulness to your loved one.

Help spread the love through NCOA's #HonoringACaregiver social shareables! 


Honoring a Caregiver ... social sharables

PlatformSample Messaging
Facebook (link to image download

My name is INSERT YOUR NAME, and today I made a donation to NCOA in tribute to INSERT NAME OF PERSON YOU'RE HONORING.

November is #NationalFamilyCaregiversMonth, and I'm celebrating by showing my pride for INSERT NAME OF PERSON YOU'RE HONORING.

More than 53 million family caregivers provide unpaid care. Being a #FamilyCaregiver is perhaps one of the most rewarding #Unpaid jobs someone can have. To all the ✨caregivers✨ out there, we see you,  you are loved, and this month we're celebrating you! 

#NFCMonth #CaregivingAroundTheClock #CaregivingHappens

Instagram (link to image download)Use same sample message above.
LinkedIn (link to image download)

Being a #FamilyCaregiver is perhaps one of the most rewarding #Unpaid jobs someone can have. November is #NationalFamilyCaregiversMonth, and I'm celebrating by showing my pride for INSERT NAME OF PERSON YOU'RE HONORING.

Today I made a donation to NCOA in tribute to INSERT NAME OF PERSON YOU'RE HONORING.

To all the ✨caregivers✨ out there, we see you,  you are loved, and this month we're celebrating you! 

#NFCMonth #CaregivingAroundTheClock #CaregivingHappens

Twitter (link to image download)

November is #NationalFamilyCaregiversMonth. To celebrate, today I made a donation to NCOA in tribute to INSERT NAME OF PERSON YOU'RE HONORING .

To all the ✨caregivers✨ out there, we see you,  you are loved, and this month we're celebrating you! 

#NFCMonth #CaregivingAroundTheClock #CaregivingHappens

Learn How to Support a Caregiver

While family caregiving can be a privilege and a rewarding opportunity, caregiving can be a tough job, sometimes thankless and costly. These responsibilities often leave caregivers overlooking their health and well-being. Learn more about how you can help support a caregiver.

If a caregiver isn’t comfortable with emotions, conflict or discomfort can arise. But recognizing emotions help us relate to each other.

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