How to Recruit Older Adults for Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs on Social Media
8 min read

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Everyone can take steps to reduce their risk of falling. Through practical lifestyle adjustments, evidence-based falls prevention programs, and clinical-community partnerships, the number of falls among older adults can be substantially reduced.
Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Social Media Toolkit
You can help your community by recruiting older adults to your evidence-based programs through social media. Use the resources, tools, and digital assets below on the platforms your organization uses.
Messaging and video assets to use on your social media platforms
Video 1: Why Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Are So Important | ||
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use | |
Facebook and Instagram |
Falls are "the main thing that causes injuries to #Seniors," says Debbie Jopson, an exercise instructor at the Arbutus Senior Center in Baltimore. Reminders as you age: 💙 Even healthy and active people can fall. Find out how you can prevent a fall by signing up for an evidence-based #FallsPrevention program. Watch this video created by the National Council on Aging 🎥👇 | |
Many people think, “It won’t happen to me.” But the truth is that one in four older adults falls every year in the U.S. You can help prevent falls by sharing information about the evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs in your community. Find out why these programs are so important, and how they can help seniors who are recovering from injury. Watch the video below. 🎥👇 | ||
You can help prevent falls by sharing information about evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs in your community. Find out why these programs are so important, and how they can help seniors who are recovering from injury. Watch the video below. 🎥👇 | ||
Link to video 1 on YouTube | ||
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Video 2: How Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Can Be Tailored for Every Audience | |
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use |
Facebook and Instagram |
Did you know you can prevent falls by doing the right exercises, like strength training and stretching, and even improving your balance? There are many evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs that can significantly reduce falls, including this one where all the #OlderAdult participants are seated. Interested in learning how to find one in your community? Watch the video below. 🎥👇 |
Did you know that $754 million is spent on medical costs related to fatal falls each year for #OlderAdults? And that a lot of these injuries can be prevented? There are many evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs that can significantly reduce falls, including this one where all the #OlderAdult participants are seated. Help someone in your life stay protected by sharing this video created by the National Council on Aging. Watch below. 🎥👇 | |
Did you know there are evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs that can significantly reduce falls, including this one where all the #OlderAdult participants are seated? Help someone in your life stay protected by sharing this video created by @NCOAging below.👇 | |
Link to video 2 on YouTube | |
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Video 3: How Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Helped Jerry Dance Again | |
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use |
Facebook and Instagram |
Can #FallsPrevention programs improve #Strength and #Mobility for #OlderAdults? Just ask Jerry. After a surgical procedure, he took part in a proven, evidence-based falls prevention program in his community. Thanks to the progress he made, Jerry and his partner Linda are finally able to dance again. 🕺 Watch Jerry’s inspiring story below. 🎥👏❤️ |
#FallsPrevention programs not only help #OlderAdults reduce their risk of injury; they can improve #Strength and #Mobility, too. Take Jerry, for instance. After a surgical procedure, he took part in a proven, evidence-based falls prevention program in his community. Thanks to the progress he made, Jerry and his partner Linda are finally able to dance again. Learn more about (and share ) his experience by watching his inspiring story below. 🙌 🕺👇 | |
#FallsPrevention programs not only help #OlderAdults reduce their injury risk; they can help #Strength and #Mobility, too. Our friend Jerry is living proof. Watching his inspiring story below. 🙌 🕺👇 | |
Link to video 3 on YouTube | |
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Video 4: How Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Give Confidence | |
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use |
Facebook and Instagram |
Research shows that #FallsPrevention programs can dramatically reduce #OlderAdults’ risk of injury. Eleanor is a living example. She takes part in an evidence-based #FallsPrevention workshop that has taught her "movement is important, and the more you move the less likely you are to make sudden falls." "I think the biggest thing was, ‘Ok, people do have some control,’” she told NCOA. Watch Eleanor’s #FallsPreventionSuccessStory below. 🙌👇 |
Research shows that evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs can reduce #OlderAdults’ risk of injury—and build their confidence. Eleanor is a real-life example. Learn how a falls prevention workshop in her #Philadelphia community helped her feel empowered. 🙌 Watch her story below. 🎥👇#FallsPreventionSuccessStory |
Research shows that evidence-based #FallsPrevention programs can greatly reduce #OlderAdults’ risk of injury. Watch how a community workshop helped one #Philadelphia woman feel more empowered. 🎥👇#FallsPreventionSuccessStory | |
Link to video 4 on YouTube | |
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Video 5: How Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs Helped Eleanor Take Control | |
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use |
Facebook and Instagram |
“I think the biggest thing was, OK, people do have some control,” Eleanor Lundy-Wade said about preventing a fall. An evidence-based #FallsPrevention program also raised her awareness about taking preventive action like not leaving things on the stairs in her house and making sure area rugs are secure. Find out how the program in her community helped reduce her falls risk. Watch her story below. 🎥👇#FallsPreventionSuccessStory |
An evidence-based #FallsPrevention program raised Eleanor Lundy-Wade's awareness about taking preventive action like not leaving things on the stairs in her house and making sure area rugs are secure. Find out how she took control and learned how to reduce her falls risk. Watch her story below. 🎥👇#FallsPreventionSuccessStory | |
“I think the biggest thing was, OK, people do have some control,” Eleanor Lundy-Wade said about preventing a fall. Find out how the program in her community helped reduce her falls risk. Watch her story below. 🎥👇#FallsPreventionSuccessStory | |
Link to video 5 on YouTube | |
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Full Video: Falls Prevention Programs That Work | |
Social Media Platform | Sample Messaging Copy to Use |
Facebook and Instagram |
Falls prevention programs are more than just exercise. You can learn about trip hazards, how medications can increase your risk of falling, and how to overcome fear of falling. Find out how you can stay independent and falls free. Watch the video below to learn more about the programs and workshops that are available in your community. 🎥👇 #FallsPrevention |
Falls prevention programs and workshops are available around the country in a variety of settings to help #OlderAdults stay independent and falls free. These workshops help improve strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility, and they really do prevent falls. Se how by watching the video below. 🎥👇 #FallsPrevention | |
Falls prevention programs and workshops are available around the country in a variety of settings to help #OlderAdults stay independent and falls free. See how by watching the video below. 🎥👇 #FallsPrevention | |
Link to the full video on YouTube | |
Embed code to place on your website: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Key facts about falls that can be used in messaging
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other falls research:
- More than one out of four Americans age 65+ falls each year.1
- Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults.2
- The cost of treating injuries caused by falls is projected to increase to over $101 billion by 2030.3
- Falls result in more than 3 million injuries treated in emergency departments annually, including over 800,000 hospitalizations.4
- In 2015, the total cost of non-fatal fall injuries was $50 billion.5
- Each year about $754 million is spent on medical costs related to fatal falls.5
- For older adults in the U.S., fall death rates went up by 30% from 2007-2016, and researchers predict there will be 7 deadly falls every hour by 2030.4
- People with mild hearing loss are nearly three times as likely to fall, with each 10 decibels of hearing loss increasing falls risk.6
- The majority (60%) of falls happen in the home, 30% in a public setting, and 10% in a health care center.7
This project was supported, in part by grant number 90CSSG0048 and 90FPSG0051 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.
1. Older Adult Falls Reorted by State. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Found on the internet at
2. Keep on Your Feet—Preventing Older Adult Falls. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Found on the internet at
3. Houry D, Florence C, Baldwin G, Stevens J, McClure R. The CDC Injury Center's response to the growing public health problem of falls among older adults. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2016 Jan-Feb; Found on the internet at
4. Facts About Falls. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Found on the internet at
5. Florence C, Burgen G, Atherly A, et. al. Medical Costs of Fatal and Nonfatal Falls in Older Adults. J Am Geriatric Soc. 2018. Found on the internet at
6. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Hearing Loss Linked to Three-Fold Risk of Falling. 2012. Found on the internet at
7. Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS). Addressing Falls Prevention Among Older Adults, Part I. Found on the internet at