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Leadership and Management of Evidence-Based Programs

Effective leadership and management requires substantial involvement of aging, public health, and disability organizations; a clear vision; a documented plan; and mutually agreed upon goals. Strong state-level aging and public health partnerships have resulted in the increased ability to leverage funding, a diverse array of community partners, and increased outreach capacity. A number of grantees have provided a state-level vision by including strategies for implementing and sustaining evidence-based programs in their state unit on aging and/or state health department strategic plans.

States have taken different approaches to developing a management structure that provides overall direction, leadership, and coordination of logistical processes. These processes include maintaining licenses, marketing and recruitment, data collection and reporting, workforce training and development, quality assurance, financial development, and other sustainability activities.

Sometimes these functions are centralized, with the state unit on aging or state health department serving as a network hub to coordinate activities and manage program delivery and evaluation, as well as data collection and quality assurance. Often, in conjunction with a centralized approach, regional partnerships are developed, and local program coordinators are assigned to support program delivery.

Other approaches include:

  • Developing a steering group or advisory council to provide overall direction;
  • Coordinating with a university or other separate non-governmental agency for fidelity monitoring, program evaluation, and technical assistance; and
  • Creating a nonprofit institute or designating an organization other than a state agency to serve as a network hub to coordinate program delivery and provide technical assistance.

State or regional websites frequently provide:

  • Descriptions of available programs;
  • Testimonials from past participants;
  • A centralized method for scheduling and registering participants for workshops;
  • State or regional map of programs or providers;
  • Mechanism for submitting referrals to programs; 
  • Resources and training information for host organizations and program leaders.

See examples of state or regional websites focused on evidence-based health promotion program networks:

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