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Medicare pays for a wide range of services, including many preventive benefits. However, routine eye care is not among these services. Read more about what Medicare does and does not cover related to vision services and supplies.
What vision care does Medicare cover?
Part B covers:
- An annual glaucoma test for at-risk individuals. Persons considered at-risk include: those with diabetes, African-Americans age 50+, Hispanics age 65+, and/or those with a family history of glaucoma.
- An annual exam to test for diabetic retinopathy among diabetics.
- Certain diagnostic tests and screenings for macular degeneration.
- Cataract surgery, plus one pair of post-surgery eyeglasses or contact lenses following surgery. Medicare will only pay for contact lenses or eyeglasses from a supplier enrolled in Medicare.
What do I pay for these services?
For each of these covered services, you would pay 20% of the Medicare approved amount, and the Part B deductible applies.
Does Medicare cover eyeglasses or eye exams?
Original Medicare (Parts A & B) does not cover routine eye exams, or the purchase of eyeglasses or contact lenses. If you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, check with your plan to see whether it covers these services/supplies.
Where can I get help paying for vision care?
- EyeCare America®, a service of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, provides free eye exams and up to one year of care for low-income individuals who qualify.
- Local Lions’ Club chapters often have programs to assist those with severe vision impairment. Find your local chapter in your phone book or by visiting the Lions’ Club Directory.
- New Eyes for the Needy purchases prescription glasses using a voucher program for low-income individuals. Only social service providers, not the individuals themselves, may apply.
Have questions about your current Medicare plan?
Learn more and connect with a licensed Medicare broker. Well-educated brokers specializing in Medicare can walk you through multiple plan options and help you focus on the plan, or set of plans, that would fit your health and financial needs. They can also help you determine when to enroll in Medicare to avoid missing important deadlines and possibly incurring late-enrollment penalties. You shouldn’t feel pressured to purchase a plan or be charged for the consultation.