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Medicare Savings Programs Eligibility and Coverage

The Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are a set of benefits that are administered by state Medicaid agencies and help people pay for their Medicare costs.

Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) are divided into several programs:

These may go by slightly different names in different states.

QMB, SLMB, and QI pay for a person's Medicare Part B premium. (QMB also covers additional cost-sharing in Parts A and B.) QDWI helps pay for a person's Part A premium.

Using the Federal poverty guidelines released each January, we maintain this updated eligibility chart with state-specific information about the income and resource thresholds for the four Medicare Savings Programs that can help low-income Medicare beneficiaries pay their healthcare costs. Note that your state Medicaid agency may not implement the current year's guidelines until March/April, following formal publication by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

This chart is updated annually or as we receive news about states changing their MSP guidelines. 

Contact us if you would like to obtain a Word version of this chart for use/adaptation in training.

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