Medicare expanded coverage and access to telehealth during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). And these flexibilities allowed more people with Medicare to use telehealth.
As of April 1, 2025, Medicare once again covers telehealth in limited ways.
Telehealth includes certain services received from a health care provider outside of an in-person office visit. A telehealth service is a full visit with a provider using telephone or video technology that allows for both audio and video communication.
Before the PHE, Original Medicare covered a limited number of services as telehealth benefits. Original Medicare expanded the list of covered telehealth services during the PHE and through March 31, 2025, including emergency department visits, physical and occupational therapy, and certain other services.
Likewise, previously only Medicare beneficiaries in rural areas could access telehealth, and they were required to travel to an authorized health care setting such as a physician’s office or hospital. During the PHE and until April 1, 2025, telehealth services were covered for all beneficiaries in any geographic area, and beneficiaries could receive these services at home in addition to health care settings.
Our counselor toolkit, developed for NCOA by the Medicare Rights Center, includes information you need to counsel clients on this Medicare benefit.