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NCOA Applauds Start of Medicare Drug Price Negotiations


Simona Combi
Public Relations Manager

Arlington, VA (Aug. 29, 2023) — The following is a statement by Ramsey Alwin, president and CEO of the National Council on Aging (NCOA), on today’s White House announcement of the 10 drugs selected for Medicare price negotiations:

“Today’s announcement is a game changer for the millions of older adults who rely on these medications every day. 

Health care and medications are the highest expenses for older adults after housing. Too often, they must make painful choices between paying for prescriptions or paying the rent. Lower drug prices can’t come soon enough to relieve some of this tremendous financial pressure.

“In a country as rich as ours, every person should have access to affordable health care. Allowing the government to negotiate on consumers’ behalf is a very welcome step in that direction.”

About NCOA
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is the national voice for every person’s right to age well. Working with thousands of national and local partners, we provide resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy to ensure every person can age with health and financial security. Founded in 1950, we are the oldest national organization focused on older adults. Learn more at and @NCOAging.

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