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Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition

Since 2022, the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition has brought together diverse stakeholders to focus on the public health issue of falls among older adults. As of July 2024, the Coalition includes 54 individuals representing 29 organizations across the state of Oregon. The following Strategic Plan includes the culmination of several virtual Strategic Plan Workgroup meetings and an in-person Retreat, which took place on March 8, 2024 at Salem Hospital in Salem, Oregon. The document will be updated regularly. 

Current goals and objectives for the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition

  • Goal 1 : Increase awareness and advocacy efforts of falls prevention activities and resources
  • Objectives:
    • By the end of 2024, develop a research-based website that highlights falls prevention research, data, and action.
    • By September 2024, in alignment with National Falls Prevention Awareness Week, develop and implement a kick-off marketing campaign that drives awareness of the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition.
    • By the end of 2024, at least 15% of Coalition members will serve on regional and/or statewide work groups and policy initiatives in order to further the Coalition Mission.
  • Goal 2: Enhance opportunities for collaboration among falls prevention partners
  • Objectives:
    • By the end of 2024, increase Coalition membership to include at least one individual or organization from 50% of the 36 Oregon Counties.
    • By the end of 2024, establish a work group to develop and cultivate regional and special interest networks.
    • By the end of 2025, integrate the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition website with a minimum of 5 stakeholder websites.
  • Goal 3: Prevent falls through comprehensive and coordinated clinical and community development and programming.
  • Objectives:
    • By the end of 2024, identify a mechanism and platform for recognizing and disseminating evidence-based falls prevention programs and resources (linking to existing database or platform, and/or creating space on Coalition digital landing space).
    • Objective 2:  By the end of 2025, implement mechanism and platform for recognizing and disseminating evidence-based falls prevention programs and resources as identified in objective.
    • Objective 3:  By the end of 2025, educate and connect, at least one regional stakeholders on the existence or future funding opportunities to support ongoing falls prevention programs for sustainability.

Leadership for the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition

  • Anne Davenport (Chair) PT, DPT, Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist; Program Manager for Health Promotion Services at Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center; Instructor at Oregon Institute for Technology Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
    • Office: 541-883-7171 ext 122
  • Matthew Edinger (Co-Chair) RN, MHA; Trauma PI Coordinator, Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center; ATAB 5 Chair; Oregon Emergency Nurses Association President-Elect
  • Sarah Gold (Secretary) RN, BSN, CEN; Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator, Oregon Health & Science University Trauma Program; Trauma Survivors Network Coordinator
  • Michelle Higgins (Speaker Coordinator) RN, BSN, CEN; Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator, Salem Health Hospitals & Clinics
    • Office 503-814-6825
  • Lavinia Goto (Steering Committee Member) RN, CDE, MPH, MBA, DHA; Project Manager, Long Term Care Innovation, NWSDS; Operations Manager, Oregon Wellness Network, O4AD
  • Karen Smith (Steering Committee Member) MPH, CHES, ACE-PT; Regional Health Promotion and Care Transition Coordinator, NWSDS & Oregon Wellness Network
  • Hiro Kiyoshi-Teo (Steering Committee Member) PhD, RN; Assistant Professor, Oregon Health & Science University, School of Nursing 

Key Partners for the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition

What has the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition achieved? 

  1. Current membership is 54 individuals from 29 organizations. 
  2. Established a member Steering Committee to develop Coalition policies, priorities, and structure.  Steering Committee is diverse in representation, including six organizations from varied sectors, in four different counties and four different regions.
  3. Developed the 2024 – 2026 Coalition Strategic Plan to guide the work of the Coalition, including the establishment of 3 active work groups (Strategic Plan, Membership, and Marketing and Outreach) and 3 in-development work groups (Evidence Based Fall Prevention Programs, Advocacy and Practice Initiatives, Data and Research)
  4. Hosted Monthly Membership Meetings since February 2023 including educational presentations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the North Carolina Falls Prevention Coalition, the Physical Activity Alliance, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Tivity Health, Oregon Health Authority, Providence Health, Center for Brain Injury Research

What are some current challenges for the Oregon State Falls Prevention Coalition?

  1. The Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition is currently un-funded and is a network of individuals predominantly volunteering their time.
  2. As such, capacity to organize, plan, and implement initiatives is limited.
  3. Monitoring existing efforts across the state is a challenge.

What evidence-based falls prevention programs are currently offered by the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition?

The coalition does not offer specific evidence-based falls prevention programs. But a number  Coalition Members offer programs within their community.  These programs include, but are not limited to: 

  • Community-Based Falls Prevention Presentations during Falls Prevention Awareness Week,
  • Community-Based Falls Prevention Exercise Programs including Walk with Ease, Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL), Bingocize, Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, and Community-Based Fall Risk Assessments

What outcomes are monitored by the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition?

  • Creation of coalition website, member engagement, member geographical location, Member sector involvement, Number of website referral links, Stakeholder connections to funding opportunities

Visit the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition website, and check out the Oregon Falls Prevention Coalition monthly meeting recordings.

Get to Know Your State Falls Prevention Coalitions

Falls prevention coalitions can bring together organizations and providers that need to collaborate to reduce falls, identify state or community needs, recommend policy changes, and build capacity. Explore each State Falls Prevention Coalition, including their goals, objectives, and activities, and learn how they educate their community about older adult falls. 

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