Key Takeaways

  • In this Facebook Live Q&A you'll get simple steps you can take when making important health care decisions for your loved ones during the time of COVID-19.

At any moment, a medical crisis can quickly leave family members without the ability to make health care decisions on their own. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has made these moments an increasing reality for many families. A lot can seem out of our control, but planning for the unexpected is something every person and family can do right now.

Watch this Facebook Live Q&A to get simple steps you can take to have important conversations with your loved ones and make a plan about important medical decisions.


  • Patty Devine Webster, Advisor for Community Engagement, The Conversation Project
  • Vivian Nava-Schellinger, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships, National Council on Aging (NCOA)

Re-watch the Facebook Live event.