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Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Americans during COVID-19: Evidence, Policy, and Advocacy


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The stress and isolation of living in a pandemic are taking their toll on everyone. It’s a message many mental health experts have been sending in recent weeks, as millions face not just the spread of a new and dangerous virus, but also the measures necessary to stem that spread, which can cut people off from friends, family, therapists, and others who could ordinarily support them through difficult times.

As part of the Older Americans Month observation in May, the Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness and the National Coalition on Mental Health and Aging co-sponsored a special webinar “Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Americans During COVID-19: Evidence, Policy, and Advocacy".

This 90-minute event provides an in-depth examination of the:

  • scope of the problem,
  • biological impacts of social isolation and loneliness,
  • interventions and promising practices,
  • and policy considerations.

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