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Jo Anne Sirey

Professor of Psychology, Weill Cornell Medicine

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Jo Ann Sirey, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry of Weill Cornell Medicine. Her research interests include the development, implementation, and dissemination of psychosocial interventions to improve mental health treatment in later life in non-mental health settings. She is the Principal Investigator for the Weill Cornell ALACRITY for Mid- and Late-Life Mood Disorders (P50 MH113838) and oversees the delivery of mental health services to multi-lingual, diverse older adults in 20 senior centers in New York City. She has been appointed to the New York State Interagency Geriatric Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Planning Council and was awarded the Spero Award for Community Psychiatry from Weill Cornell Medical College in 2021.

Jo Anne Sirey
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