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Kate Lorig

Evidence-Based Leadership Collaborative Vice-Chair

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Kate Lorig, DrPH, is a partner in the Self-Management Resource Center and Professor Emerita at Stanford University School of Medicine. Her career has been developing, evaluating, and making available to the public self-management programs for people with chronic conditions, cancer survivors and caregivers.  She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing at Boston University, and her masters and Doctor of Public Health in health education at the University of California, Berkeley. She came to Stanford to develop and research an educational program that emphasized self-help skills for people with arthritis. This program became the Arthritis Self-Help Course and was the prototype for the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, The Diabetes Self-Management Program, the Positive Self-Management Program for HIV/AIDS, the Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Program, the Building Better Caregiver's Program, and others. She has authored several books and many articles about self-management and about outcome measures. She travels extensively at the invitation of organizations concerned with self-management, patient care and outcomes research. 

Kate Lorig
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