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CDSME Evidence-Based Programs

Following fidelity when implementing evidence-based chronic disease self-management education programs brings beneficial outcomes for participating older adults. Use this fidelity reference hub to learn more about the Evidence-Based Programs approved by the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Following fidelity when implementing evidence-based chronic disease self-management programs brings beneficial outcomes for participating older adults. Use this fidelity reference hub to learn more about the Evidence-Based Programs approved by the Administration for Community Living (ACL).

Leader training and fidelity monitoring are the hallmarks of quality assurance for chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs that have been approved by the Administration for Community Living as meeting strict evidence-based criteria for health promotion and disease prevention programs. The beneficial outcomes for older adults participating in evidence-based CDSME programs depend on the program being implemented with fidelity.

At every phase of implementation of an evidence-based program from recruitment, leader trainings, program delivery, to evaluation, fidelity is considered and monitored by all personnel involved from leaders, master trainers, and to license holder or host organization.

Conducting the programs with fidelity improves the quality of what is being delivered and ensures that all the activities of the program are implemented correctly to benefit the participants. As described below for each program, the training requirements and fidelity monitoring process vary from program to program based on the program’s research, evidence, and the most effective processes as developed by the program administrators.

Programs detailed in this fidelity hub:

Click on each program name to jump to their fidelity information in the table below.

Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Programs

Behavioral Health Programs

This information is based on the survey responses received from the administrators and developers of respective programs and may not be consistent across all programs. 

For ACL-approved Evidence Based Program Administrators and Developers: Please contact us at to edit or update program information.


Program administrator/developer

Sound Generations

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

on (in process of updating)

License requirements for instructors

Note: Currently in process of updating as we finish beta testing our asynchronous training with live wrap up.

EW Coach candidates complete a self-paced online training program with a live 2.5-hour interactive online wrap-up and skill-building session facilitated by an EW Master Trainer.


Modes of leader training

Following beta testing in diverse communities and site types during 2022, we will be moving to asynchronous training with live wrap up:

EW Coach candidates complete a self-paced online training program with a live 2.5-hour interactive online wrap-up and skill-building session facilitated by an EW Master Trainer.

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Facilitated bi-monthly calls are an opportunity to continue skill-building and to receive support and feedback from EW Master Trainers and fellow Coaches from around the country. If a Coach hasn't worked with clients in a year, they can do a self-paced refresher and/or request skill building support from an EW Master Trainer.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

EW coaches use a proprietary cloud-based software application called WellWare to manage program data. WellWare, developed and maintained by Sound Generations, facilitates the administration, scoring and interpretation of the pre and post surveys, guides the coach through the steps to document a participant’s Health Action Plan, and captures case notes for encounters between the coach and participant over the six months of enrollment. While WellWare is not the EnhanceWellness program, it does provide fidelity guardrails for the service process. Organization Master Trainers can do a de-identified client pull from the system for assessment. Go to

Person responsible for fidelity review

EW fidelity is maintained through annually renewed organization licensing requirements and through the training and certification of coaches. Certified coaches and site coordinators are supported by tools, reference materials, and continuing education opportunities. Fidelity to program protocols is reinforced by EW Coach use of a proprietary cloud-based software application called WellWare to manage program data. WellWare, developed and maintained by Sound Generations, facilitates the administration, scoring and interpretation of the pre and post surveys, guides the coach through the steps to document a participant’s Health Action Plan, and captures case notes for encounters between the coach and participant over the six months of enrollment. While WellWare is not the EnhanceWellness program, it does provide fidelity guardrails for the service process.

More detail: Quality Assurance in program delivery starts with training. The EW New Coach Training uses the RE-AIM framework to provide an understanding of the importance of the core elements of program design, training, delivery, proficiency, and application.

Training: The EW administrator strongly recommends that individuals with prior motivational interviewing experience are trained as EW Coaches. EW self-paced training includes audiovisual material, videos and frequent knowledge checks to show that trainees have learned and understand the program’s protocols. Once completed, it is followed by a 2.5-hour live skill building wrap-up session. The training closely follows the EnhanceWellness Coach Manual, which the new coach keeps for reference.

Fidelity: Completion of training grants access to a secure login at with a variety of resources focused on quality assurance and safety for the affiliate and to Wellware with resources focused on coach program delivery.

For organizations that do not have their own EW Master Trainers, Project Enhance is available by phone, email, and videoconference to coaches nationwide as a ready resource.

Lastly, reports available in Wellware identify programs with out-of-protocol scheduling, missing data, or unexpected assessment scores, prompting review of protocols with delivery organizations.

Timeline for fidelity review

At outset, check in with documentation of each visit type (Enrollment, Initial Assessment Visit, Health Action Plan Visit, Ongoing Visit, Review Visit). Once established, timeline varies depending on caseload and need.

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

Enhance Wellness is a 1:1 program

Length of course

6 months

Number of sessions

At least one per month

Class size

1 person

Target population

Older adults and people with disabilities

Modes of program delivery

In-person, landline, video conference, hybrid

Content required

Screen: An EW screening visit identifies the participant’s personal strengths and risks through a detailed health questionnaire and interview with the EW Coach.

Plan: The participant and EW Coach craft an individualized EW Health Action Plan, focused on areas the participant chooses to work on. The participant may choose to share this plan with their physician, family, or other support network.

Action: The participant moves into action with the support of their EW Coach, who offers ongoing encouragement, feedback, and monitoring over the next six months. The EW Coach assists with problem-solving, health education and referrals to support groups.

Materials for participants


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Geri-Fit Strength Training Workout for Older Adults

Program administrator/developer

Geri-Fit Company LLC, Francesca Fisher, Program Developer

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

Organizations such as senior centers, YMCAs, places of worship, congregate meal sites, and yoga studios are ideal venues for Geri-Fit classes. Any places where older adults congregate are ideal Geri-Fit venues. A large room with 20 armless chairs is required.

License requirements for instructors

Geri-Fit instructors can be trained lay leaders/facilitators of other evidence-based health promotion, fall prevention and/or chronic disease management programs, fitness instructors (certified or non-certified), health educators, physical therapists, occupational therapists, trained care consultants, nurses, registered dietitians, social workers/mental health therapists, caregivers, in-home health aides, and volunteers interested in working with older adults.

Instructors must complete the online training and certification in Geri-Fit prior to teaching classes. Depending on the instructor's familiarity with strength training exercises, this training could take anywhere from 10 to 30 hours to complete. A Certificate of Completion will be available to download and print once the individual has completed the training. We recommend Program Fidelity Training (a refresher course) once every two years. All training is done online.

Modes of leader training

Online or in-person (led by a Master T-Trainer)

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Licensed facilities and licensed instructors are able to participate in Geri-Fit Program Fidelity Training, which is suggested once every two years. Included in the license renewal is a free continuing education course that original instructors can take in order to stay current with their certification requirements and adhere to Geri-Fit's high program standards. This Program Fidelity continuing education course takes a little over two hours to complete and consists of mostly watching video snippets, a videotaped advanced Geri-Fit class, the demonstration of additional balance and fall prevention exercises, and advanced training techniques that instructors may incorporate into their classes. Instructors will be able to print their Program Fidelity Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the online training. The course does not require any test. Completion of the Geri-Fit Program Fidelity Course will provide adherence to program fidelity, continuing education and training requirements, quality assurance, safety, and health promotion.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

At each annual renewal, the licensed site or instructor is contacted by U.S. mail and informed that Program Fidelity Training is available. Only licensees are eligible to participate in Program Fidelity Training.

Person responsible for fidelity review

The licensed site and/or its instructors must complete a fidelity survey at the end of the online Program Fidelity Course in order to download and print out their Certificate of Completion.

Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders

One instructor can lead a Geri-Fit class for up to 20 people.

Length of course

For Geri-Fit classes offered to the older adult community, we suggest 12 weeks.

Number of sessions

24 sessions, 45 minutes

Class size

4-20 people

Target population

Older adults 60 years of age and older

Modes of program delivery

Geri-Fit classes are held in-person, online on demand, and through scheduled Zoom sessions with screen share.

Content required

Adherence to the lesson plans are part of the Geri-Fit Instructor Manual. Instructors lead the Geri-Fit class and teach the health education content. Participants work out with dumbbell weights during the exercise class. Scripted content is available for Fall Prevention Workshops, exercise demonstrations, and questions most frequently asked.

Materials for participants

It is suggested that each participant bring their own set of dumbbell weights to class along with a Geri-Fit stretch band and water to drink. Some facilities provide the equipment; however, disinfecting procedures should be in place to prevent the spread of viruses. It is better to have everyone bring their own weights to class. Carrying that tote bag is part of the workout. This way, no disinfection of equipment is needed.

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Health Coaches for Hypertension Control

Program administrator/developer

Clemson University

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

Payment of one-time $5,000 license fee and Master Trainer training at $950/person.

License requirements for instructors

Training for Master Trainers is offered online by Dr. Cheryl Dye, creator of Health Coaches for Hypertension Control. Training cost is $950/person and training takes 8 hours, delivered in two 4-hour sessions on two different days. Master Trainer candidates must have a degree/license in a health-related field such as health education, medical sociology, or health care profession.

Modes of leader training

Online, in-person, hybrid

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Yearly Zoom conference

Program-provided fidelity checklist

It is provided to Master Trainers to use when evaluating the lay leaders they train but is not publicly available.

Person responsible for fidelity review

Master Trainers may review the lay leaders they train for program fidelity

Timeline for fidelity review

Timeline is at the discretion of the Master Trainer

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

A Master Trainer may offer a workshop by themselves, but it is recommended that lay leaders work in pairs.

Length of course

Once weekly for 8 weeks or twice weekly for 4 weeks

Number of sessions

8 session, 1.5 hours each

Class size

8 to 15 people

Target population

Anyone age 45 years or above who is diagnosed with hypertension or concerned about developing hypertension

Modes of program delivery

In-person, virtual, hybrid

Content required

The HCHC coach (either Master Trainer or lay leader) uses a scripted Health Coach manual. The 8 sessions cover setting goals for hypertension management, basics of hypertension, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, stress management, and medication management.

Materials for participants

Each participant needs a workbook and a blood pressure monitor.

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Mind Over Matter: Healthy Bowels Healthy Bladder

Program administrator/developer

Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

2022 Fees:

  • $450 per person for non-Wisconsin facilitators (at least 2 individuals must be trained)
  • Three-year license fee. $3,000 for three years if sole license holder. The license fee increases if affiliates are added.
  • WIHA has developed a path for license holders’ Facilitators to become Master Trainers so that going forward, the license holder organization can train their own next set of MOM Facilitators.

License requirements for instructors

The program is led by ONE trained Facilitator who has successfully completed either the 2-day in-person Facilitator Training or the 2-day online Facilitator Training.

Qualifications to become a Mind Over Matter Facilitator:

  • Be female
  • Experience working with groups of older adults
  • Comfortable leading workshops
  • Completed the 3-4 hour online “Basic Training” in Evidence-Based Health Promotion Program Implementation provided by WIHA

Other requirements:

  • Purchase/preparation of Participant Binders
  • Ability to project audio and video
  • Healthy, fiber-filled snacks, if in-person

2022 Fees:

$450 per person for non-Wisconsin Facilitators must pay the Facilitator Training fee (at least 2 individuals must be trained)

Modes of leader training

Either 2-day in-person Facilitator Training or 2-day online Facilitator Training (both offered)

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

In order to maintain certification, trained Facilitators must facilitate 2 workshops per 12-month period. If/when program updates occur, Facilitators must attend curriculum update trainings as applicable.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

Checklist is distributed and used during Facilitator training practice facilitation sections. To request a copy, please email

Person responsible for fidelity review

Master Trainers who conduct a Facilitator training are responsible for conducting fidelity coaching sessions for their trainees. If a Facilitator attends a training through WIHA, Wisconsin Master Trainers complete fidelity coaching sessions.

Timeline for fidelity review

A fidelity check is scheduled for one of the first sessions of the first workshop to observe the newly trained facilitator and provide feedback. In addition, fidelity checks are done for the following circumstances:

  • If a facilitator requests additional coaching
  • If facilitator issues are brought to the attention of WIHA
  • If participant workshop session attendance has significant drop-off

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

1 facilitator is required to implement a workshop.

Length of course

3 sessions spaced every other week (i.e., 5 weeks), with optional Booster

Number of sessions

3 sessions, 2 hours each

Class size

8-12 for in-person workshops.  6-10 for virtual workshops.

Target population

Women age 50+ who are cognitively intact and currently experiencing or have an interest in preventing incontinence. If participating online, participants must have a laptop with a camera.

Modes of program delivery

In-person, virtual

Content required

Scripted content

Materials for participants

Purchase/preparation of Participant Binders

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On the Move

Program administrator/developer

University of Pittsburgh

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

Sites must obtain a license from the University of Pittsburgh to host On the Move

License requirements for instructors

On the Move must be delivered by a certified On the Move instructor. Instructor training consists of 12 hours of training and a written exam.

Modes of leader training

Online and in-person

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Instructors are certified for 3 years. A short refresher course is required to be recertified.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

We do have materials to assess fidelity. Materials can be obtained by emailing the On the Move program at

Person responsible for fidelity review

The site is responsible for reviewing fidelity.

Timeline for fidelity review

There is no strict timeline. Suggest more often if new to the program, then annually.

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

We recommend 1 instructor to 10 participants.

Length of course

12 weeks

Number of sessions

24 total 1-hour sessions. 2X/week for 12 weeks

Class size

10 people

Target population

The target population is individuals who want to improve the quality of their walking, individuals who can walk at least household distances without the assistance of another person with no more than a straight cane, and individuals should also be medically stable.

Modes of program delivery

The program is best delivered in-person, but we also have a virtual option which has not been formally studied.

Content required


Materials for participants

Chair, playground ball, and cones are used in the class

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Self-Management Resource Center Programs

Chronic Disease Self-Management, Diabetes Self-Management, Positive Self-Management (HIV), Chronic Pain Self-Management, Cancer Thriving and Surviving, Building Better Caregivers

Program administrator/developer

Self-Management Resource Center (SMRC)

Contact email

Contact phone number

650-242-8040 ext. 5

Program landing pages

Program implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

All organizations must have licenses. Full information on this website.

License requirements for instructors

Leaders and Master Trainers (those who train leaders) are certified. SMRC certifies Master Trainers, and each organization certifies their leaders. Full information is in the fidelity manual under “resources” on the website.

Modes of leader training

Leader training can be conducted in-person or via virtual platform. Master training is conducted by virtual platform.

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Leaders must maintain active status by teaching at least once yearly. They can take a refresher workshop once. Master Trainers much conduct a full Leader Training once every three years and lead at least one workshop or cross training years when not conducting a Master Training.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

The program offers a full Fidelity Manual

Person responsible for fidelity review

Leader fidelity is the responsibility of the licensed organizations. Master Trainer fidelity is the responsibility of SMRC, and the licensed organizations program content and process is the responsibility of SMRC.

Timeline for fidelity review

Organizations make annual reports to SMRC as do Master Trainers. New leaders have a fidelity check during their first workshop. Fidelity checks are built in to all trainings.

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

2 for in-person or virtual workshops

1 for telephone workshops

Length of course

In-person and virtual: 2.5 hours

Telephone: 1 hour

Number of sessions

1 session/week for 6 weeks

Class size

In-person: 8-15

Virtual: 8-12

Telephone: 3-5

Target population

This differs for each SMRC program:

CDSMP: people with comorbid physical and/or mental health conditions

DSMP: people with type II diabetes, although people with type 1 or prediabetes often attend

CPSMP: people with chronic pain

CTS: people who have completed their initial cancer treatment

BBC caregivers: mainly those caring for people with diminished cognitive functioning

PSMP: anyone who is HIV positive

Modes of program delivery

  • In-person
  • Virtual
  • Telephone + mailed materials
  • Mailed materials only
  • CDSMP and BBC asynchronous web based through Canary Health

All SMRC programs do not allow hybrid workshops.

Content required

All content as well as processes are scripted.

Materials for participants

Books are available for all participants. Those taking the program by phone + mailed materials or by mailed materials alone receive a toolkit that also contains the book.

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Walk With Ease

Program administrator/developer

Arthritis Foundation, Nick Turkas

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

There is no license required to offer the program.

License requirements for instructors

There is no license required to offer the program.

Organizations offering a Group Class must have a trained leader.

The newly updated 2-hour Walk with Ease Leader Training is available.

Current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is required. The CPR certification course must include a live skills training. (Online-only courses are not acceptable.) First aid certification is strongly recommended. Although not required as a prerequisite, first aid certification is strongly recommended because of the danger of falls or other injuries, especially when the program is conducted outdoors.

Professional liability insurance coverage with an aggregate/single occurrence limit not less than $1 million for personal injury or property damage, unless covered by host facility’s comprehensive or professional liability insurance policy is required.

Modes of leader training


Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Certifications remain valid while a leader hosts at least one session of classes per year.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

Yes, available in the Leader's Manual

Person responsible for fidelity review

Leaders and sponsoring organizations

Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders

1 for a class of 12 - 15. 2 are recommended for classes of greater size.

Length of course

6 weeks

Number of sessions

18, 1-hour sessions

Class size

12-15 people

Target population

Walk With Ease was specifically developed for adults with arthritis who want to be more physically active. The program is also appropriate for people without arthritis, particularly those with diabetes, heart disease and other chronic conditions, who want to get more active. The only prerequisite is the ability to be on your feet for at least 10 minutes without increased pain.

Modes of program delivery

In-person (group), individual (self-directed) virtual/group, hybrid (self-directed enhanced)

Content required

Health education
Stretching and strengthening exercises
Motivational tips and tools

Materials for participants


Behavioral Health Programs

Active Living Every Day

Program administrator/developer

Human Kinetics

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

A license agreement is required.

An organization must agree to the program's philosophy and implementation guidelines.

Please send an email to to request a copy of the guidelines, which explain why it's important to deliver the programs as they are designed. Indicating your agreement to these guidelines assures program consistency and helps to ensure the success of your program participants.

There is no cost for the license.

License requirements for instructors

We've created a convenient and complete training process that will interest experienced health professionals yet is accessible for laypeople and professionals from non-health backgrounds. Facilitators complete these steps for their training:

  • Become familiar with the content. Facilitators review the Active Living Every Day participant book to gain an understanding of how the strategies and concepts are presented to participants.
  • Complete the Facilitator training course. Each course provides the background information and materials needed to facilitate and implement Active Living Every Day. Each course is delivered in a print format, with easy-to-access forms, handouts, lesson plans, and other resources available through our website.
  • Successfully complete an online competency exam. The exam for each course includes 75 true-false and multiple-choice questions. You need to achieve an 80% passing grade in order to print a completion certificate.

The Facilitator training takes approximately 10 hours, including reading through the entire course and participant book.  The training course is self-paced, and Facilitators are welcome to step away and come back, when convenient.

For more information, visit

Modes of leader training

The training course is self-paced, and Facilitators are welcome to step away and come back, when convenient. Facilitators will receive print materials as well as access to their online exam and facilitator resources, including lesson plans, overhead slides, class handouts, administrative forms, and customizable marketing materials, as well as participant online resources.

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

We recommend that Facilitators retake the training course if they step away from teaching for more than one year.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

Program fidelity is addressed in the Facilitator training course print materials received.

Person responsible for fidelity review

We leave it to the organizations to adhere to program fidelity, as agreed to in the license agreement.

Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders

1 leader

Length of course

12 weeks

Number of sessions

1 session/week for 12 weeks

Class size

8-15 people (maximum of 20)

Target population

Adults of all ages are referred by a variety of organizations such as worksites, hospitals, community health programs, colleges, fitness centers, older adult programs and residences, and grant-funded initiatives.

Modes of program delivery

In-person class/group, 1-on-1 in-person, or remote delivery by phone, email, or video conferencing

Content required

This program uses the Active Living Every Day book and offers online support resources for participants and facilitators. Facilitators are provided the background information and materials needed to facilitate and implement Active Living Every Day, with easy-to-access forms, handouts, lesson plans, and other resources available through our website. Participants are supported through learning activities, online assessments, group interaction, and individual guidance. 

Materials for participants

The Active Living Every Day, Third Edition text is required for everyone participating in an Active Living Every Day class. The text includes access to ALED Online, found on the Active Living Partners website. ALED Online enhances Active Living Every Day group sessions. For each week's lesson participants will find forms, web links, and suggested readings that will help broaden understanding of the week's topic.

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Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less

Program administrator/developer

North Carolina State University

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations


License requirements for instructors

We require registered dietitian nutritionists with a master's degree who are hired and trained by NC State University to be instructors for our program. This program does not implement a train-the-trainer model.

Modes of leader training


Required follow-up trainings for leaders

We offer an annual online update for all trained instructors.

Program-provided fidelity checklist


Person responsible for fidelity review

Staff at North Carolina State University

Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders

1 leader

Length of course

15 weeks

Number of sessions

1 hour per session x 15 session

Class size

25-40 people

Target population

Those who are interested in learning healthy habits such as healthy eating and physical activity who may or may not have a goal of weight loss

Modes of program delivery

In-person, virtual, hybrid

Content required

Instructors use a program curriculum and slides developed and provided by NC State University. All participants receive a program workbook.

Materials for participants

All participants receive a program workbook. Participants need to have weekly access to a scale, computer, and internet access, and an email address that they check regularly.

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Healthy IDEAS

Program administrator/developer


Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations


License requirements for instructors

Pre-training screening and technical assistance is done. Training is one full day or two half days via Zoom. No clinical experience is required. A clinical coach at the agency getting trained serves as the on-site supervisor for the program.

Modes of leader training

In-person, remote, telephonic

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Ongoing technical assistance and booster training are available as needed.

Program-provided Fidelity checklist


Person responsible for fidelity review

The clinical coach at respective agencies

Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders

1 coach

Length of course

3-6 months, depending on individual behavioral activation plan

Number of sessions

30 minutes – 1 hour

Class size

1 person (program is done one-on-one)

Target population

Older adults and adults with disabilities

Modes of program delivery

In-person, remote, telephonic

Content required

Required forms given at training along with suggested scripts, educational materials and resources

Materials for participants


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Program administrator/developer

University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

We do not have licensing requirements, aside from becoming a certified PEARLS coach. The clinical supervisor can be a psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse, or LCSW.

License requirements for instructors

We require them to go through our online training, which is approximately 8 - 11 hours (11 online modules, one live practice session, and one evaluation).

Modes of leader training

In-person, online (video conference), hybrid, phone

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

None. We offer optional monthly technical assistance calls and are available for questions that may come up.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

We have designed a tool, but we do not require anyone to use the tool. We provide it upon request.

Person responsible for fidelity review

Our team does not have formal fidelity requirements; however, often funders have fidelity requirements. We support PEARLS providers in showing their fidelity to the model and meeting those requirements.

Timeline for fidelity review

We do not have a required timeline.

Program Delivery

Number of leaders


Length of course

Approximately 19 weeks

Number of sessions

6 to 8 50-minute sessions

Class size

One-on-one individual program

Target population

Older adults with depression

Modes of program delivery

In-person, online (video conference), hybrid, phone

Content required

Problem Solving Treatment, behavioral activation, clinical supervisor

Materials for participants


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Powerful Tools for Caregivers

Program administrator/developer

Iowa State University

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations

N/A (Individuals must be certified class leaders and/or Master Trainers)

License requirements for instructors

Individuals can become PTC class leaders through either a virtual (five days of three hours training) or in-person (two days of eight hours of training) class leader training. New class leaders must attend every day.

For more information, visit

Modes of leader training

Virtual and in-person

Required follow-up trainings for leaders

Class leaders must co-lead a class series once every five years and if they do not, they must be retrained. Master Trainers must co-lead a class leader training every two years. If they do not, they must lead a class series before leading another class leader training.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

All class series and class leader trainings are co-lead. Thus, each co-leader ensures that the other adheres to the script and program procedures.

Person responsible for fidelity review

Class leaders and Master Trainers keep a check on each other; however, PTC headquarters closely monitors the activities of all certified individuals.

Timeline for fidelity review

Class leader and Master Trainer activity is monitored to ensure that they meet the requirements of certified leaders and trainers.

Program Delivery

Number of leaders

2-3 leaders

Length of course

6 weeks

Number of sessions

90 minutes or 2 hour per session x 16 sessions

Class size

In-person: 8-15 people
Virtual: 8-12 people

Target population

Two class series types for caregivers of adults with chronic illnesses or children with special needs

Modes of program delivery

Virtual or in-person

Content required

Scripted content with in-class discussion and brainstorming activities.

Materials for participants


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Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

Program administrator/developer

Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery

Contact email

Contact phone number


Program landing pages

Program Implementation Requirements

License requirements for organizations


License requirements for instructors

Purchase books and materials, have 5-day WRAP Facilitator Training

For more information, visit 

Modes of leader training


Required follow-up trainings for leaders

A refresher is required every 2 years.

Program-provided fidelity checklist

Available in the training and online

Person responsible for fidelity review


Timeline for fidelity review


Program Delivery

Number of leaders


Length of course

16+ hours (divided in 8 sessions, 3 days, or 4 and a half days)

Number of sessions

2.5–8 hours per session

Class size

10-15 people

Target population

Anyone seeking greater wellness in their lives. Program is adaptable to many life challenges such as grief, physical health issues, mental health, creating healthy relationships, healthy aging, and more.

Modes of program delivery


Content required

WRAP facilitators are trained in a standardized 5-day course by 2 Advanced Level WRAP facilitators. Prerequisite is attending a WRAP group and developing a personalized WRAP Plan. Advanced Level WRAP facilitators are trained in a 5-day course through Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery, including required knowledge assessment, completion of 4 practicums, and submission of a mentoring plan. Prerequisite is to complete a WRAP facilitator course, submission of a video overview of WRAP, and submission of at least 15 evaluations from at least 3 different facilitated WRAP groups. WRAP facilitators and Advanced Level facilitators must attend a refresher course at least once every 2 years.

Materials for participants

Workbooks, WRAP books, WRAP Facilitator Manual (instructors only)

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This project was supported, in part by grant number 90CSSG0048 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.

NCOA's Healthy Aging Programs

NCOA's Center for Healthy Aging produces solutions to support the success story of Americans living longer and healthier lives. Browse NCOA's wellness programs, tools, and resources that help improve older adults' health and well-being.

Two older women smiling and standing close together in a park. One is wearing glasses and a blue shirt, while the other is in a green tank top, with trees and greenery in the background.

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