Falls Prevention Advocacy

Educate your elected officials about how public dollars support evidence-based falls prevention programs for older adults, caregivers, family members, and the community at large.
Aging services professionals are well-positioned to explain how limited public investment, along with growing demand, is having a domino effect on programs and services that help older adults remain healthy and independent in their own homes and communities. It’s important that Congress understand how older adults and caregivers are being affected by funding and policy decisions.
Some resources to help guide your falls prevention advocacy efforts:
- Governor's Proclamation (Template): Edit the downloadable template and yellow highlights as needed for your state. National numbers in the proclamation template are cited. States can add citations for their state-specific data.
- Falls Prevention Programs: Saving Lives, Saving Money Infographic: Falls are the No. 1 cause of injury and fatal injury among older adults. Download and share this infographic to show how evidence-based falls prevention programs are effective.