NCOA's 2016 Annual Report

Every year, NCOA releases an Annual Report that describes the organization’s programs, accomplishments, societal impact, and progress toward its goal of improving the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Learn about the work we do by downloading the 2016 report and financial information below.
Some FY2016 highlights:
- Over 40,000 people in 38 states and Puerto Rico participated in a community-based chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) program. States partnered with over 550 community organizations to host more than 3,500 CDSME workshops at over 2,400 unique implementation sites.
- Our Flu + You influenza public education campaign tracked more than 6,600 vaccinations received as a direct result of community events sponsored by NCOA.
- NCOA collaborated with key stakeholders to develop and disseminate the 2015 Falls Free® National Falls Prevention Action Plan, a blueprint describing strategies and action steps to affect sustained initiatives that reduce falls among older adults through a framework of action over the next 5-10 years.
- NCOA supported 46 Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs) that help low-income people with Medicare access all the benefits they may be missing. The BECs helped more than 79,000 people submit over 117,000 applications for benefits worth an estimated $260 million.
- The National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) celebrated 45 years of service and sponsored the 36th annual National Senior Center Month in September. The theme was Celebrate LIFE at Your Senior Center (Learning, Independence, Friends, Energy).
Ways to Give to NCOA
Your generosity brings us a little closer toward a just and caring society in which each of us, as we age, lives with dignity, purpose, and security. Learn more about the ways you can give to NCOA.