NCOA's 2018 Annual Report

Every year, NCOA releases an Annual Report that describes the organization’s programs, accomplishments, societal impact, and progress toward its goal of improving the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Learn about the work we do by downloading the 2018 report and related financial information below.
Among the FY2018 highlights:
- NCOA continued to provide leadership, guidance, and technical assistance to support state and community-based organizations across the U.S. in expanding chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) programs and embedding them in the nation’s health and long-term services and supports systems.
- NCOA and the Falls Free® Initiative led the 10th annual Falls Prevention Awareness Day and celebrated a decade of empowering older adults with the confidence to protect themselves from fall-related injuries.
- NCOA supported 69 Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs) that help lowincome people with Medicare access all the benefits they may be missing. The BECs helped 94,089 people submit 142,063 applications for benefits worth an estimated $324 million.
- The National Institute of Senior Centers celebrated 47 years of service and sponsored the 38th annual National Senior Center Month in September. The theme was Senior Centers: Building Momentum (Connecting, Learning, Giving, Growing).
2018 Audited Financial Statement
Ways to Give to NCOA
Your generosity brings us a little closer toward a just and caring society in which each of us, as we age, lives with dignity, purpose, and security. Learn more about the ways you can give to NCOA.