NCOA's 2022 Annual Report

NCOA is the national voice for every person’s right to age well. Working with thousands of national and local partners, we provide resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy to ensure every person can age with health and financial security. Founded in 1950, we are the oldest national organization focused on older adults.
Every year, NCOA releases an Annual Report that describes the programs, accomplishments, societal impact, and progress toward its goal of improving the lives of 40 million older adults by 2030. Learn about the work we do, the people we serve, and why aging well matters now more than ever by reading the highlights below and downloading the 2022 report below.
Health: Chronic Disease and Falls Prevention
Through a national network of community partners and online tools, NCOA delivers comprehensive, integrated services that improve the health of millions of older adults. A few FY22 higlights:
- Continued to provide leadership, guidance, and technical assistance to support state and community-based organizations across the U.S. in expanding CDSME programs and embedding them in the nation’s health and long-term services and supports systems. This included support of 48 CDSME grantees funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA) through the Prevention and Public Health Fund, part of the Affordable Care Act.
- Managed the largest CDSME program database in the U.S. During this time period, 13,083 people in 34 states participated in community-based and virtual CDSME programs. States partnered with 184 community organizations to host 1,095 CDSME workshops at 399 unique implementation sites.
- NCOA and the Falls Free Initiative led the 14th annual Falls Prevention Awareness Week (FPAW) and celebrated over a decade of empowering older adults with the confidence to protect themselves from fall-related injuries. National 2021 FPAW awareness and media efforts reached an estimated 313 million people. At the state and community level, State Falls Prevention Coalitions members reached 903,000 individuals through education, awareness, and advocacy efforts, as well as falls risk screenings and falls prevention programs. NCOA surveyed state FPAW participation and published the results in an impact report.
Economic Security: Benefits Access, Mature Workers, Economic Casework, Home Equity, and Medicare
NCOA boosts the economic security of millions of vulnerable, low-income older adults through our online tools and a national network of community partners. A few FY22 highlights:
- NCOA supported 85 Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs)
- BenefitsCheckUp® (, NCOA’s free online tool that connects individuals to benefits programs, helped 340,555 people enroll in public and private benefits worth an estimated $975 million. At the end of FY22, NCOA launched a modernized version of the screening tool that makes it easier for users to access program information and application assistance.
- As part of the Senior SNAP Enrollment Initiative funded by the Walmart Foundation, 40 community organizations assisted 29,949 low-income older adults in applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
- The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) served 4,540 participants who provided over 2.6 million hours of community service, and the program placed 517 trained participants in jobs.
- NCOA’s Center for Benefits Access provided resources and technical support to states that receive Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) funding to help low-income individuals apply for Medicare subsidies. MIPPA grantees assisted 70,161 individuals with Extra Help/Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP) applications.
Public Policy and Advocacy
NCOA is a national voice for older adults and the organizations that serve them. Our goal is to protect and strengthen major public programs, particularly for disadvantaged and vulnerable older adults. A few FY22 higlights:
- Secured the inclusion of NCOA priorities in Build Back Better FY22 reconciliation legislation passed by the House in November, including reforms to make Medicare prescription drugs more affordable and expand Medicare coverage for hearing aids and audiology services.
- Led advocacy and policy development efforts that resulted in the introduction of the Supporting Older Workers Act, of which some proposals were included in the House-passed Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act reauthorization, and contributed significant efforts to House passage of the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act (POWADA) and the Protect Older Job Applicants Act (POJA).
- Led efforts for the 68-member Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) to identify legislative priorities for improving access to behavioral and mental health services for older adults and advocate with key members of Congress for their adoption. NCOA took over as Chair of the coalition in June for a period of one year.
National Institute of Senior Centers
NCOA’s National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC) strengthens senior centers by promoting best practices, advocacy, research, and the nation’s only national standards and accreditation program. A few FY22 highlights:
- NCOA was awarded a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living to establish the Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center (MSCRC). The MSCRC provides leadership, training, technical assistance, and peer networking, and a clearinghouse of best practices.
- As part of a broad engagement strategy to expand the senior center network, NCOA moved to a free Affiliate Membership model with NISC with 38% growth.
Aging Mastery®
NCOA created Aging Mastery to help older adults build their own playbook for aging well. Aging Mastery comes in two formats: Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) classes and a self-directed Aging Mastery® Starter Kit. Both versions provide a comprehensive and fun approach to positive aging by focusing on key aspects of health, finances, relationships, personal growth, and community involvement. A few FY22 highglights:
- Expanded Aging Mastery to 804 sites in 39 states serving over 2,807 older adults.
- As of June 2022, a total of over 31,464 people had participated in AMP classes, and more than 14,160 had received Aging Mastery Starter Kits.
Financial Highlights and Consolidated Statement of Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets
Fiscal year 2022 was a very good year financially for NCOA. The net operating change in Unrestricted Net Assets (before Pension Plan related adjustments) was a surplus of $8,100,505, which is a substantial improvement over the prior year’s loss of $1,310,201. Total Net Assets of NCOA at the end of FY22 amounted to 12,142,575, as shown on the following charts.
NCOA was able to capitalize on additional funding opportunities for COVID vaccine promotion work that brought in additional revenues above expectations. A major program accomplishment achieved during FY2022 was the launch of the next generation of the BenefitsCheckUp tool that included updates and new features for a more effective and easier-to-use tool.
Download the annual and financial reports
Ways to Give to NCOA
Your generosity brings us a little closer toward a just and caring society in which each of us, as we age, lives with dignity, purpose, and security. Learn more about the ways you can give to NCOA.