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New Investment in Senior Centers and Community-Based Organizations to Support Digital Literacy

Through a collaboration with AT&T, NCOA has launched a nationwide effort to ensure older adults can engage in workshops and a self-paced online curriculum designed to improve digital literacy. 

With funding from AT&T, NCOA work contract senior centers to provide in-person workshops with older adults to support digital literacy. Learn more and find out how to apply for grant funding.

NCOA is making an investment to support educational efforts focused on digital literacy for older adults in underserved communities. Through its national network of senior centers and community-based organizations, this national campaign will focus on making it as easy as possible for older adults to participate in in-person workshops and self-paced online trainings.

Key highlights of the collaboration with AT&T to support digital literacy

  • As part of the organization's ongoing efforts to offer resources and tools to the aging network, NCOA is contracting with senior centers and community-based organizations in underserved communities to help older adults improve their digital literacy.
  • NCOA will contract with up to 50 senior centers and community-based organizations to provide a minimum of four (4) in-person workshops with older adults to focus on digital literacy. Participating organizations will receive $7,500 that can be used to support their efforts.
  • The deadline to apply is July 11, 2024. Recipients will be notified by July 29, 2024, and the project will begin on September 3, 2024.
  • Senior centers and community-based organizations in all states are eligible to apply. Those in AT&T’s key U.S. service areas are especially encouraged to apply. (See map below to better understand AT&T's key coverage areas.)



Who can participate in this new funding opportunity?

Through this initiative, NCOA will contract with up to 50 senior centers and community-based organizations that primarily serve low-income individuals. Participating organizations will receive $7,500.

What is required of an organization during this funding opportunity?

  • Host at least four (4) in-person workshops with older adults to introduce them to the online digital literacy curriculum.
  • Provide one-on-one support to older adults using the self-paced online learning modules through designated office hours (minimum of 1 hour per week).
  • Serve a total of at least 100 unique older adults during the period of September 3, 2024 – April 30, 2025.
  • Report progress to NCOA on a quarterly basis.
  • Participate in training and use provided resources to conduct the workshops and provide support in English and/or Spanish.

Funding can be used at your discretion and can include the purchase/upgrade of technology equipment.

Who is eligible to apply for funding?

  • All community-based organizations,
  • Not-for-profit organizations, and/or
  • Not-for-profit and governmental senior centers that primarily serve low-income individuals

How do interested senior centers and/or community-based organizations apply?

Interested organizations must complete the Simple Funding Application. NCOA will issue contracts to eligible senior centers and community-based organizations until the funding is exhausted. Sample contract coming soon.

Submit Your Application

Once the application is approved and the required forms are submitted, payment will be processed.


Is there a grant application? Do we need to provide a budget?

No. This opportunity is a service contract. There is no additional application, budget, or financial reporting requirement.

What are the reporting requirements?

You will be required to send us a report four (4) times during the performance period (September 3, 2024 – April 30, 2025). Participating senior centers will also provide NCOA with the general demographics of the population you serve and the number of unique older adults that participate in the workshops and office hour offerings. A template for reporting will be provided at a future date.

For more information, please contact NCOA at

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