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The Equity in Aging Collaborative

NCOA has formed a collaborative to advocate for a better way to measure the true costs of aging in America. The initiative will promote the Elder Index, which measures the income older adults need to meet their basic needs, including housing, health care, transportation, food, and other daily essentials.
NCOA and 23 national groups have formed a cooperative, called the Equity in Aging Collaborative, to advocate for a better way to measure the true costs of aging in America.

NCOA is leading a national Equity in Aging Collaborative made up of 25 national and local organizations committed to advancing a better way to measure the true cost of living for older Americans.

Why is a Collaborative needed?

NCOA believes aging well is something every American deserves—regardless of gender, color, sexuality, income, or zip code. Our Equity Promise aligns our services, resources, programs, and advocacy around a common goal—equitable aging for all.

We have formed the Equity in Aging Collaborative to address historic challenges by engaging multiple viewpoints. We know collaboratives like this can produce tangible results by drawing on the strengths of each member. In years past, we led the Access to Benefits Coalition, Disability and Aging Collaborative, and Improving Medicare Markets Initiative—all of which led to significant thought leadership and legislative or regulatory changes that impacted millions of older adults.

What is the focus of the Collaborative?

The Equity in Aging Collaborative will address issues of poverty among older adults who have and continue to face inequities across their lifetimes. We will share stories of the impact of poverty on women, communities of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, low-income, and rural older adults. 

The Collaborative will build on 15 years of experience with the Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index, or Elder Index. Developed by the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the Elder Index is a measure of the income older adults need to meet their basic needs and age in place with dignity, factoring in household size, geography, housing, health care, transportation, food, and other daily essentials.

The Collaborative will advocate for the adoption of the Elder Index and for improving the standard-of-living measures used to determine eligibility for programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, taxes, food assistance, and housing support.

Who are the members of the collaborative?

  • Aspen Institute
  • Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
  • Diverse Elders Coalition 
  • Generations United
  • Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Grantmakers in Aging
  • Juanita C. Grant Foundation
  • Justice in Aging
  • LA County Aging and Community Services
  • Mayor’s Commission on Aging-City of Philadelphia
  • Mid-County Senior Center
  • National Academy of Social Insurance
  • National Civic League
  • National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
  • National Council on Aging
  • New York Academy of Medicine
  • New York StateWide Senior Action Council 
  • Rio Grande Area Agency on Aging 
  • SAGE Advocacy and Services for LGBTQ+ Elders
  • San Ysidro Health
  • SCAN Foundation
  • Serving Seniors
  • The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
  • Urban Institute
  • WellMed Charitable Foundation

The Equity in Aging Collaborative is made possible by a grant from the RRF Foundation for Aging. 

What are the policy priorities of the Equity in Aging Collaborative?

Public policy must invest in diverse aging communities all older adults have their basic needs met. Learn more about the collaborative's policy priorities to strenthen Social Security income, security nutrition access, and advance economic security:

Why We Do This Work

We believe aging well is something every American deserves–regardless of gender, color, sexuality, income, or ZIP code.

The Latest Research in Aging Services

NCOA fields surveys and analyzes the latest data to understand the shifting needs of older adults, especially those who are most at risk of health and financial insecurity. Explore our latest research reports and findings.

A group of seniors is in a classroom setting, taking notes while a speaker is presenting.

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