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Benefits Access

A variety of public and private benefits programs provide financial and other types of assistance to older Americans. These programs can help people pay for food, prescriptions, utilities, health care, and more. But a large portion of this aid goes unclaimed every year. Learn more about NCOA's programs and products helping economically insecure older adults. 
Close up of a SNAP sign on the window of grocery store.

How NCOA Helps Older Adults Find and Enroll in Benefits

The Center for Economic Well-Being

NCOA's Center for Economic Well-Being (CEW) provides tools and resources that help local, state, and regional organizations to find, counsel, and assist older adults and people with disabilities to apply for and enroll in the benefits they may be eligible for.
People gathered at information table looking at papers

MIPPA Resource Center

The MIPPA Resource Center, supported by the U.S. Administration for Community Living, offers tools and training to help counselors find and enroll low-income people with Medicare into benefits that save money on health care, prescriptions, food, and more.
lightbulbs drawn on blue, yellow, and orange sticky notes pinned to bulletin board

SNAP Enrollment Initiative

The Senior SNAP Enrollment Initiative, funded by the Walmart Foundation, supports increased outreach and enrollment of older adults into the nation’s biggest food assistance benefit.
Grocery store window with sign saying We Accepts SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Benefits Enrollment Centers

NCOA's national network of Benefits Enrollment Centers (BECs) helps low-income people with Medicare enroll in food assistance, energy assistance, health care benefits, and more.
Three older Black women holding Savvy Saving Seniors guide


No one should have to choose between food, housing, and medicine. That's why NCOA developed an online screening tool—available in both English and Spanish—to help older adults find programs to help pay for food, medicine, utilities, and other daily needs.
An older couple sits at a dining table, viewing Benefits CheckUp on a laptop.

Boost Your Budget® Week

Every year in April, NCOA hosts its national Boost Your Budget Week campaign, where hundreds of community organizations throughout the country will help older adults enroll in federal, state, and local benefits programs.
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A cheerful multigenerational family with a grandmother, mother, and child smiling together. The image is accompanied by the text 'Find Ways to Boost Your Budget' and logos of NCOA and Boost Your Budget.

Financial assistance is available—but $30 billion goes unclaimed each year

NCOA is committed to helping all older adults understand the financial programs and supports available to them. According to NCOA’s research, there are major barriers to benefits program participation. In fact, people who qualify for assistance programs but are not enrolled leave $30 billion in benefits on the table annually.

The key to overcoming these obstacles is working collectively to provide proactive, targeted outreach. This outreach can happen within the community—from health care providers, area agencies on aging, religious organizations, and others. 

How NCOA supports benefits access for older adults nationwide

Through the coordinated efforts conducted by our Center for Economic Well-Being, NCOA helps older adults find and enroll into benefits programs and connects them to tools and education to improve their finances.

Explore our resources below and learn more about the Center for Economic Well-Beings's work, the main benefits programs we focus on, and our national network of community-based organizations that work to achieve this mission in their communities.

Benefits Programs: Enrollment & Eligibility 101

There are several core benefits that can help people with low income afford the basic costs of living. Our Benefits 101 slide decks can be downloaded and tailored for your use in your community.

NCOA Partners in Benefits Access

  • A logo featuring a stylized butterfly design in red and orange against a blue background, with text below.
  • The Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation
  • Uber Health logo
  • Visa logo
  • Walmart foundation logo

Understanding Benefits Participation in Your Area

Benefits Access

NCOA's new tool shows participation rates for older adults enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicare Savings Programs (MSP), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Get started by selecting specific areas to see how they compare to national and state averages. 

Network and Get Inspired

Age+Action 2025

Age+Action® is May 28-30, 2025, in Arlington, Virginia, where aging services professionals can discover innovative programs, network with colleagues, and gather ideas and inspiration for improving the lives of older adults.

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