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Sample MIPPA Outreach Materials

How do you explain the Medicare low-income subsidies to older adults who may be unaware of them? These sample MIPPA outreach materials illustrate how programs across the country have marketed Part D Extra Help and Medicare Savings Programs. to low-income Medicare beneficiaries.

Build your own flyer from our template

With guidance from the MIPPA network, NCOA designed this trifold template for agencies to customize and use in their outreach. The accompanying Word document provides tips for how to swap out photos and check that the eligibility guidelines match those in your state.

Download ACL's MIPPA materials in English and Spanish

The U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) created a variety of materials to help with outreach related to MSP, LIS, and Medicare preventive benefits, as well as information about the MIPPA program for grantees to use.

Sample ItemFormat
One-pager flyer on Medicare subsidies (LIS, MSP)PDF
One-page flyer on Medicare preventive benefits


MIPPA stakeholder flyerPDF
Sample social media postsWord (English)
Word (Spanish)

Additional resources branded for State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs) are available for registered members in the SHIP TA Center resource library.

Rules for purchasing promotional items and tips on delivering the MIPPA message

  • This infographic outlines the rules for purchasing promotional items related to your MIPPA grant.
  • Our tip sheet gives examples of how your peers have messaged the MIPPA program and benefits in their outreach materials.

Examples from your peers

The following are just a few examples of flyers, placemats, and calendars developed by MIPPA grantees. 

While the MIPPA program does not have a specific logo from ACL, some agencies have created logos as part of branding their project, such as this one from Nevada:

MIPPA logo with prescription bottle as the letter I

Check out this brochure from Hawaii outlining the different MIPPA benefits and their eligibility guidelines.

This sample flyer from the Louisiana Senior Health Insurance and Information Program (SHIIP) provides an illustrated example of how the different Medicare benefits work. It includes income and asset eligibility limits for the MSPs and the Extra Help program for singles and couples, and information on how to get SHIIP assistance to apply.

This sample flyer from the Washington SHIP (SHIBA) advertises the services of several walk-in clinics that enable Medicare beneficiaries to get answers to their questions about Medicare, and find out if they qualify for MIPPA benefits.

This placemat from the Pennsylvania SHIP (Medicare Education and Program Insight, MEDI) includes information about Medicare subsidies as well as a fun crossword puzzle of key terms.

Pennsylvania placemat

This creative approach from the Oklahoma SHIP provides a "prescription" for saving money on Medicare in the form of a prescription tear-off pad.

Prescription pad for MIPPA benefits

Looking for samples of how to promote Medicare's preventive services? Check out this "paycheck" from New York and this calendar developed by the Virginia Insurance Counseling & Assistance Program.

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